Laughter in the Funeral.

When I was young, I have always fascinated in the change of mood in the houses where a death has happened. There will always be a 2-day window where everyone’s crying and lamenting and mourning. But from the third day, it will be lighter, there will be rings of laughter in the back of the house, giggles in the corner and more open discussions – which mortified me when I was a kid !

Aren’t we supposed to remain sad ? Someone’s dead for God’s Sake ! whose laughing in the middle of that ?!

But when you grow up, you realise that these laughter and giggles are because of the reminiscence and the memories.  Also, because as adulting took place, I realised, we would do anything to go to the better, carefree days of the childhood – and a gathering is one such a doorway to the past. If the passed person is someone old, then the older the stories – the one of much simpler times, open verandah, jumping into rivers, going for nearby fairs, doing all kinds of knick-knacks, and running away from the elder ones – the list goes on. You get to see lots of pictures painted in fond love and adoration. And even, like in my cases, completely different faces of very strict personas when they were younger.

Agreed that laughter may sound weird in a house of death, but most of these stories will include the specific person who has passed. Some of the stories might still have a tinge of unhealed insult or an unforgotten ire – but most of the stories are filled with love, some of inspiration, some of courage and some of the events that changed the course of someone’s life – Colours of happiness; of peace; of better times.

And what better way to give a send off to a new world – with  the unforgivable happiness that they gave you in this lifetime ?

Have you ever let your imagination loose ?

Everyone should have their own getaways – not a physical one. Where people can escape into a blink when everything goes down sometimes.

Well, if you haven’t got one, you should definitely have one.

It is always a handy place. And no, it is not childish. There are always trying times and since being the “very-mature-and-very-self-controlled-adult” we tend to suppress our emotions deep down. This not only leads to a horrible day but also unwanted health issues.

Instead create an imaginary happy place. At the end of a bad day, take a book or put on a headphone or brew a cup of coffee – go to that happy place. Be at peace, and remember – at the end of the day, your happiness and peace is in your hand.

The ‘First’.

A first is always something confusing – whether it’s a first love, first try of a dish, first solo trip, first try to cook – especially first try in writing a blog.

Self-introduction seems to be a very common practice and hence I would love to skip that. And besides, I think ya’all already got an idea from my username. Almost.

But here’s one anyway…

Crazy girl who loves to draw and doodle, and gets some epiphanies under the shower. Absolutely Laahvv Books, Food and Trips!

That, Ladies and Gentlemen, will sum me up perfectly!

What you can see here, will always be random – A book review or maybe about a movie. Certain lyrics that touched, certain recipes that I tried, some moments from the past, occasionally a poem or a short tale I may create (I’m an aspiring writing. Like everyone stuck in lockdown) and mostly…

Many, many and many more weird thoughts and mysteries.